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Did you know that we spend 90% of our time indoors and breathe 3,000 gallons (about half the volume of a large U-Haul truck) of air a day? Yet, very little thought is given to the baseline conditions inside of a building until it’s too late.
WTI Pure Air Control’s Building Health Check Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) testing should be an integral part of any facility’s maintenance budget and planning. A Building Health Check is a comprehensive suite of testing, analysis and reporting services for the evaluation of the indoor environment based upon HVAC zones. It combines field and laboratory review of the biological conditions and performance of a building to provide actionable data for corrective measures.
Once all the data is compiled and analyzed a detailed report is provided. The report outlines the conditions of the building and makes remedial recommendations should above baseline IAQ issues be detected.
A Building Health Check can be customized by adding or omitting assays or field protocols depending on the scope of the investigation. There are also options for Infrared Thermography, Mold and Bacteria characterization and speciation, and 24-hour turnaround time.
Indoor air and environmental quality tests are conducted in occupied spaces. Air and surface samples are taken to determine the presence of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other indoor contaminants. This can also include water sample testing Legionella using the RT-qPCR method.
A Building Health Check also provides performance metrics on temperature, relative humidity, pressurization, air flow, ventilation, CO2, O3, TVOC and other critical parameters. Evaluating the conditions in the occupied space makes a targeted treatment plan possible.
Samples collected from the building are sent to an accredited environmental laboratory for expert analysis. They will identify and quantify any contaminants of concern in the building. This analysis helps determine the impact they could have on your facility. The data that’s provided is integral to creating a scope for corrective actions.
A detailed, yet easy to understand report is provided. The report includes the scope of the work, executive summary, photo log and even a glossary of terms. Finally, it summarizes the study’s findings and prescribes corrective actions to take for the detected problems.